custom maple cutting boardAny custom cutting board is going to look awesome in your kitchen. But a custom maple cutting board has a special place for everyone to consider. 

Maple is a domestic hardwood, native to most of the United States. It grows well and is an incredibly renewable resource. Maple comes in many different “flavors” and takes a skilled woodworker to know what type to use for a cutting board application. 

There are many “soft maples” available which serve a different purpose for furniture and woodworking. But as you probably thought, soft maple doesn’t sound like a good wood to use for a custom maple cutting board. And, you’re right! Hard maple, or “rock maple’ as it’s called in some parts of the country, is the best selection of maple for a cutting board that you want to last for years. 

Maple is the wood on the left in the above picture. Sitting next to purpleheart, you can see how tight the grain is and how it compares to a tougher wood like the exotic purple heart. 

Another great maple species is “curly maple’. This specific species has a great figure- in what looks like waves or ripples, curly maple is a lot of fun to look at. 

At the wood cutting board store, we do not cut corners on quality nor do we comprise on the type of materials being used. Each piece is custom built and the lumber is hand selected to best match the specific board being built. This is different than many other manufactures that simply buy large bulk quantities of wood and throw a cutting board together. This ends up in a board that doesn’t “dazzle”. We have been making custom wood cutting boards for nearly 15 years now and have the skills, the expertise, and the design eye to make you a board that will last you lifetimes. 

Custom maple cutting boards are great for any application in the kitchen because they are rock solid. Maple is the most traditional style of cutting board materials. Because it has been around for so long, you can rest assured that you are getting a cutting board that will last you generations. 

Maple has a very bright and clean feel to it. Unlike other woods, such as cherry, maple will not darken a whole lot when near sunlight. It will warm to a beige under normal use. 

As always, you want to make sure to keep your custom maple cutting board oiled and sealed with our cutting board butter. This ensures the best protection and longest lasting life for your board. A dry cutting board will fail quicker than Jackie Chan can karate chop Chuck Norris. So don’t skip out on this part of maintaining your board. Your cutting board will be glad you did! 

So, when getting a custom maple cutting board, we can make your dream a reality and build you the board that will fit perfectly in your kitchen and space. Please reach out to us today and see what we can make for you!